Setting Up a Class

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Open the Teacher Dashboard ( and log in.

Screenshot 2023-09-26 094033.png

You will arrive on the My Classes page. To add a class select Add Class and complete the form asking for the following information:

  • Name: the name of the group (e.g. Class 4A)
  • Language: the target language of the group (e.g. “English” if EAL)
  • Key Stage: use the drop-down menu to choose (select “Mixed” if this is a mixed age-group)
  • Year Group: use the drop-down menu to choose (leave as “N/A” if the previous answer was “Mixed”)

Screenshot 2023-09-26 094102.png

Then, use the box on the left side of the menu to assign the appropriate teacher. Locate the teacher(s) you wish to add and select the green plus next to their name. Once the appropriate teacher(s) displays in the box on the right, select Add.

Next, to add students to the class, click into the class and and select Add/Remove Students to bring up a list of all existing FlashAcademy users.

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Add students to the group by selecting the green plus next to their name(s). Once those students appear in the box on the right, select Next.

Please note: you will not be able to add students who have been assigned the EAL content set to an ESOL class (and vice versa) - if a student is not appearing in the list when you select 'Add/Remove Students', please check which content set they have been assigned in the User Admin section or change the language that the class has been set to.

You will now be able to track the progress of these students when they use FlashAcademy.


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